
BE(A)WARE: Fifth issue of the factory-magazin available in English language

The new english issue of "factory - Magazine for sustainable economy" discusses what will help us predicting what is coming next - the past, present or future?

Sustainable development, however, needs to become more politically charged and more attractive on an emotional level, said futurologist Karlheinz Steinmüller  during an interview with factory. Klaus Dosch explains that scenarios can help people envision several options for development and thus help them to choose one over the other. The philosopher Bernd Draser sees social innovations as the key to doing more with less, by which he is referring to the recollection of social traditions. Those could be an option to counter demographic change, as is explained in Growing Older 101 by psychologist Manfred Nedler. The sociologist Ortwin Renn argues in favour of creating new strategies for developing a new society while discussing new technologies and their possible effects. The example of aqua cultures in the article by Bert Beyers also shows that it is possible to work with diminishing resources.

The freely available online-magazine, published by the Aachen Foundation, the Efficiency-Agency NRW and the Wuppertal Institute, is a small magazine with a short budget. So the publishers are once again very grateful for the help and support of Dr. Donald Kiraly and his students of the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz.
