
What If...?

What If...?

Predicting the future by using a crystal ball, reading coffee grounds or other methods rarely yields results. In certain scenarios, however, it is possible to manipulate factors in order to develop a more realistic idea of possible outcomes – and thus gain a better understanding of our present time. By Klaus Dosch, translated from the German by Larissa Burkart and Merle Kolmorgen read more
It Works! In Theory at Least ...

It Works! In Theory at Least ...

In a few years time, one in two new cars in Germany will be a heavy off-road vehicle such as a SUV, although 80 percent of the population live in cities. Obviously, sustainable development is only possible if people are willing to change. However, sustainable development does not call for another New Man but for people who tend to look at traditions, both those which are tried and tested as well as at those that have been refuted, with an inquisitive eye. By Bernd Draser, translated from the German by Christine Kühn, Alina Junk and Theresa Lupek read more
Columbus’ Egg

Columbus’ Egg

Stardate 2013. We are on the journey towards sustainable development. The transition to alternative energy has created the right climate for innovation; there is a sense of pioneer spirit. Excellent concepts have been developed that are so simple that it makes us wonder why no one thought of them before. By Bert Beyers, translated by Alina Junk, Lara Nettekoven and Luzie Schmitt. read more
Growing Older 101

Growing Older 101

We are growing older, becoming more colourful and fewer. Many people associate the demographic change with shortages of skilled labour, shortages of nursing staff, and stress. Albeit, now is the time to actively design the future world of employment. By Manfred Nedler, translated from the German by Christine Kühn, Theresa Lupek, Lara Nettekoven und Luzie Lotta Schmitt read more
Vorsicht vor zuviel Vorsicht

Vorsicht vor zuviel Vorsicht

Karlheinz Steinmüller ist Physiker, Philosoph, Futurologe, Science-Fiction-Autor und Mitgründer von Z_punkt, The Foresight Company. Mit seiner Frau Angela schrieb er in der DDR Romane über den Überwachungsstaat und war Mitarbeiter der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Seiner Ansicht nach ist nicht viel von Büchern und Studien zu halten, die die Zukunft in 100 Jahren vorhersagen. Andererseits können utopische Romane auch die Gegenwart verändern. Mit dem Schriftsteller sprach Ralf Bindel. read more

To be(a)ware Means Shaping the Future

According to John Naisbitt, author of  the book Megatrends and inventor of the term ‘globalisation’, the best way to predict the future is to understand the present.

However, Frederic Vester, biochemist, cyberneticist and author of a best-seller about learning, thinking and forgetting, believes that the answer to our problems will come from the future instead of the past. So which one is it supposed to be? What will help us predict what is coming next? The past, present or future? It won’t be just one of them, that's for sure. The fact that we cannot carry on with business as usual or rely either on conventional technology or even on as-of-yet non-existent technical solutions seems just as obvious. In light of cyclical economic and fiscal crises, increasing climate change, unlimited exploitation of natural resources, and an ever-growing gap between the rich and the poor, we lack an alternative. An alternative that will make an ecologically, economically, and socially just utopia become reality; which will protect our natural environment instead of destroying it.
Sustainable development is just such an alternative. However, it needs to become more politically charged and more attractive on an emotional level, said futurologist Karlheinz Steinmüller during an interview with factory. Klaus Dosch, Scientific Director of the Kathy Beys-Foundation based in Aachen, explains that scenarios can help people envision several options for development and thus help them to choose one over the other. Ecological innovations alone will not suffice to save the planet, as one can see by consulting statistics: The increasing number of patent applications correlates with the increasing consumption of natural resources. The philosopher Bernd Draser sees social innovations as the key to doing more with less, by which he is referring to the recollection of social traditions. Those could be an option to counter demographic change, as is explained in Growing Older 101 by psychologist Manfred Nedler. The sociologist Ortwin Renn argues in favour of creating new strategies for developing a new society while discussing new technologies and their possible effects. The example of aqua cultures in the article by Bert Beyers also shows that it is possible to work with diminishing resources. Instead of being just reactive, we need to become more proactive and actively shape our future the way we envision it. In order to succeed, we have to ask the right questions. Instead of asking ourselves how we WILL live in the future, we should think about how we WANT to live.

Thus, I hope you will enjoy our be(a)ware edition, which carefully combines our topic range of future-vision-utopia and sustainability.

Ralf Bindel

PS: Our PDF-Issue Be(a)ware filled with helpfully numbers and quotes is more nicely illustrated and better readable on tablet computers and screens.

More articles to the topic range prediction, future, trends, visions and utopias you will find not only online but in our magazine Be(a)ware. This PDF-magazine includes additional numbers and quotes is finely illustrated and best readable on tablet computers and screens.

Magazin als PDF
