
  • Map of Member states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    Member states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dark Green: Party; Light Green: Party (Annex I); Yellow: Party (Annex I and II); Red: Observers; Source: CC BY-SA 3.0,, L.tak

The Hope for COP

Forget the COP or is the Climate Summit in Paris a realistic chance for change? Since the beginning of the UN-Conferences the worldwide greenhousegas emissions increased for 60 percent after all. The Wuppertal Institut positions itself with a catalog of postulations to the Conference of the Parties (COP).

"Paris will not conclude the story - but can become the first chapter of a new book of international climate cooperation", says the introduction of the Wuppertal Institute's position paper on the Paris climate conference. In the paper, the Wuppertal Institute urges all states worldwide to include four central elements in the Paris Agreement:

  • A strong commitment to change instead of paltering over emission rights, - A new paradigm: complete phase out of fossil fuels by mid-century,
  • Transparency in form of a robust reporting and review system, and
  • Ambition needs to ratchet up continuously
  • contributions need to be established as minimum, not maximum levels in commitment periods of maximum five years after.

In addition, the Wuppertal Institute recommends that ambitious countries should move ahead of the global convoy and form a smaller ambitious climate club.

A more detailed discussion of these recommendations will be contained in the article "UNFCCC Before and After Paris - What's Necessary for an Effective Climate Regime?" by the Wuppertal Institute's Lukas Hermwille, Wolfgang Obergassel, Hermann E. Ott und Christiane Beuermann, to be published still in November in the journal "Climate Policy". This article analyses the successes and limitations the UNFCCC has had so far in combating climate change and it develops recommendations how to enhance efforts within and beyond the framework of the Convention.

The Wuppertal Institute is once again represented at the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) with its own exhibit. On 10 December the Wuppertal Institute hosts the side event "Mobilising Ambitious State and Non-State Climate Action in the Paris Agreement and Beyond" with inputs by Lukas Hermwille and Hermann Ott, Wuppertal Institute, Daniel Engström Stenson, Forum for Reforms and Entrepreneurship (FORES), Oscar Widerberg, Free University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies, Bjorn-Ola Linnér, Linkoping University, Ann Gardiner, Ecofys, und Kolja Kuse, European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5). Several scientists - Prof. Dr. Manfred Fischedick, Oliver Lah, Prof. Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Wolfgang Obergassel, Dr. Hermann Ott, to only name a few - will actively take part in side events organised by project and network partners. Information on the official UNFCCC side events is available on the UNFCCC website We will shortly provide information on the other events with participation of the Wuppertal Institute.

You will find the position paper for download, see

